
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fascination with Organization

I talk the talk, but I don't walk the walk.

I have been uptight about "everything in its place" for years. I get married, and BAM! I loose my focus. Maybe making the journey to couple has made me less worried and stressed out about the little things in life-- maybe I'm looking at the big picture more. I can't keep anything organized!

I want to call one of those shows on TLC or HGTV and have them re-do my life, make it organized again. I feel like the most un-organized places in my house are the kitchen, bathrooms, the piano and my bedroom (closet and dressers). I get this urge every once and awhile to reorganize, and then for about a month, it's wonderful! But then something doesn't get put back in its place and havoc.

Wanting to be organized doesn't mean every little thing has to be. I already do a pretty good job in McCoy's room. My diapers are all lined up in his drawers, most of his clothes are neatly hung up or in drawers, and I'm keeping a running plastic tote of clothes he's already outgrown. Underneath the stairs, in the basement, we put some shelves up to help with the "large appliances" that take up too much room in our kitchen. These are ones we don't use very often-- the bread machine, the Fry Daddy, the coffee maker, large cake and bundt pans, etc. So, that is very organized right now. I also have a very organized system for paying bills. It's very easy to follow payments and it works well for me. I'm also very organized about getting McCoy's bottles ready and having a good system for that. Other areas of the house and my life are also very organized. So, I'm not completely unorganized.

I wish this was my closet!!

I sometimes just look around and say, "gosh, that looks like crap!" I guess that's what keeps me motivated. But when is enough, enough? I don't want to spend my entire life re-organizing something just because it wasn't kept nicely. So, once its clean, it must stay that way. Then I'll be on the road to success-- and less organizing. Maybe I'll put that on my list to do next year! Or maybe that falls under the cateogory of being a better wife/ or mother?? If it does, I'm not going to be able to get that done in ten days! Maybe I'll wait until "Be a Better Mother".


  1. Who wouldn't want a closet complete with clothes that match the color scheme of the paint?

  2. Suzie's comment cracks me up. I personally like that all of the hangers are perfectly spaced. :)
