
Monday, January 4, 2010

Back at Work

Every one keeps asking me if I cried when I dropped McCoy off at daycare this morning. Am I a bad mother because I didn't cry? I am so happy to go back to work-- a place where I am wanted as a teacher, my knowledge, experience and background are acknowledged and appreciated, where I can dance, sing and have a great time (and, and, and...). I am so in love with McCoy, but I also love my job. I'm very happy that I can say that I love my job. Most people these days either don't have a job or they hate their current one. But I don't want to be one of those moms who drop off their kids at daycare to "get rid of them". That's not it at all. I'm very lucky that I also get to see McCoy half way through the work day-- I'm going to nurse him at lunchtime. So, even though he is at daycare all day, I still get to see him half way through.

After saying all that, today was actually not that exciting. We were working on curriculum mapping and technology stuff. I was excited to see my collegues and friends. I got to talk to some teachers who last saw me 45 pounds heavier! It was nice to converse with the other teachers and ask how their vacations were. Let me just say how wonderful it is to have people care about you. It is so nice.

I love McCoy. I missed him, but I didn't cry. Does that make me an awful mother?

1 comment:

  1. No way. Love your children. Love your job. That is the only way a working mom can survive!
