
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Technology: DVR and Podcasts

The thing that I love most about DVR is the simple fact that all of my favorite TV shows are ready for me with the push of a button. This gets especially lovely when you have a very busy schedule (like me) and a baby (like me) and a husband who works crazy, odd hours (like me).

But one must be able to watch the episodes recorded in order to delete them to make room for new episodes. As a firm believer that DVR can change your television watching experiences, my goal is to make sure that the episode list stays current. It's hard though when you don't watch all the shows on time-- and have way too many to keep up with. We are currently *recording* Glee, Lost, American Idol, Gossip Girl, Ace of Cakes, Poker (Whit), Flash Forward, and Hoarders. Some of these shows come on several times a week (example: Ace of Cakes). Oh, the stress of television watching!

Onward: Podcasts.

Nick has been subscribing to many different podcasts and when we went down to Wichita to shoot the wedding, we listened and watched a few. It got me turned onto looking into the different podcasts available-- and since I have an iPod from school, I thought how perfect for my LONG drives to and from school. I spent the last 45 minutes downloaded several different podcasts to import on my iPod. I have a story telling one, a couple of photography ones, and a couple of organizing (flylady) podcasts. I'm looking for inspiration!

Technology rocks my world. Without it, I would be a lost soul. Or just really bored.

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