I think McCoy is ready for big-boy food. He wants to eat every hour and a half. I thought that as they grew they could hold out a little longer. But this isn't the case right now. Maybe he is just growing. But I heard when you are growing, you sleep a lot. And McCoy, my little McCoy hasn't taken a decent nap since last week! I'm feeding him cereal, and he does okay with it. He doesn't really eat all that I put out in front of him, probably only about 10 spoonfuls (if that). But I'm thinking that this growing boy needs some more food. I probably will talk about this and talk about this, but not do anything about it until we see the Ped again. This is what I did when we started cereal. I gave it to him one time, and then I waited until we went to the Doctor and he gave us the "okay" to give him cereal twice a day. And then it was like everything was okay. I started giving cereal. But I'm not sure. I think he acts ready but who knows? It's so confusing. I saw a website about first feedings. It just makes me want to read more. I currently do not have any jars of baby food ready in the house. Maybe I'm not ready.
This is a very rough blog. Sorry.
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