
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Been Awhile

Four out of five people who make New Year’s resolutions tonight will eventually break them. In fact, a third won’t even make it to the end of January. Resoulations

Well, I guess that's me. February was "become a better financial keeper" and although I did a pretty good job of this, most of what I did was a continuation from before. I tried to read a book about coupon-shopping but it wasn't any different from before. Bills are still being paid, coupons are still being used, one credit card was paid off completely, "what's the" was still being utilized-- a savings plan was not put in place.

Now March is a whole other subject. "Become in better health"-- I vowed on March 1st to stop ALL chocolate intake. That lasted for about a day. Maybe just a half of a day. I know. Why couldn't I do it? I found myself telling myself I was going through wtihdrawals, that I HAD to have some. I found myself eating it in excess because I needed it so badly. But, I am not doing all that bad-- I have been eating Smart Ones every day for lunch, drinking more water and making healthier choices for snacks and dinners. I have been eating sugar free cookies (because I have to have something sweet), and drinking less Dr. Pepper. I can't just stop everything. That's unrealistic and frankly, it's my life and I don't want to!!

In other news: McCoy is rolling over! A lot!

McCoy got an exersaucer from Grandpa and MeMa Schale. McCoy loves it! Although we are still a bit wobbly! Dr. Yu said it was time to start his exercises with one of these things. They are so expensive! So I was waiting until Suzie and I went to the Here We Grow Again sale coming up in the next week. But grandparents beat me to the punch... as always.

When I'm not stalking various people on Facebook, my new obsession has become cooking "freezer pleasers". These are recipes from Taste of Home that are made to freeze. So far I have made 4 dishes. I have so many ready-to-eat healthy meals in the freezer right now, that I don't have many more dishes for cooking! I should go out and buy those tin-foil pans.

Well, that's about it for now. I promise to try and update more.

1 comment:

  1. Been there with the chocolate thing . . . maybe try switching to dark chocolate? You still get the good benefits of chocolate without so much fat . . .

    Don't consider yourself a failure just because you're not perfect in something by the end of the month. At least you're DOING something, you know? You're improving yourself, and I think that's really admirable. Keep it up! And if you ever want to be healthy with someone by your side (because I know husbands can be very counter-productive in this area), I'm here!
