
Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Baby Can:

Smile when he sees his Momma

Laugh when he finds something really amusing

Army crawl on the hard floor

Wiggle crawl on the carpet

Sit up on his own

Eat dinner with the family

Clap his hands

Clap his feet

Sit correctly in his high chair

Sit in a big boy car seat

Roll over—front to back, back to front

Eat paper

Drink from a sippy cup

Notifying Momma and Papa that he is taking a dump (by the grunting clues!)

Say “dada”

Keep a steady beat to music (only for a few measures though!)

Push the music buttons to get his toys to play


My baby is learning and growing so fast.  And I just love every minute of his new discoveries.  He is the best baby boy that a new mother could ever ask for.  I love you, McCoy!!


1 comment:

  1. Aw, what a fun age! I need to see little 'Coy soon, before he starts college!
