
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Here is what I did on Wednesday...!!!!!!

12:00 AM—sleep

5:15 AM—wake up

5:30 AM—shower, get ready, prepared bottles

5:45 AM—loaded up car, McCoy in the car

6:00 AM—drive to CDC

6:15 AM—PUMPED (yes, while driving)

6:30 AM—

6:45 AM—arrive at CDC

7:00 AM—fed McCoy, changed diaper, get dressed

7:15 AM—leave for Bradley

7:30 AM—band

7:45 AM—

8:00 AM—back to classroom

8:15 AM—back to auditorium for 6th grade rehearsal

8:30 AM—6th grade rehearsal

8:45 AM—6th grade rehearsal

9:00 AM—6th grade rehearsal

9:15 AM—6th grade rehearsal

9:30 AM—6th grade rehearsal

9:45 AM—4th grade class (started at 9:50 am)

10:00 AM—

10:15 AM—

10:30 AM—

10:45 AM—3rd grade class

11:00 AM—

11:15 AM—

11:30 AM—drive to CDC

11:45 AM—fed McCoy

12:00 PM—time with McCoy at CDC

12:15 PM—drive to Bradley

12:30 PM—PLC meeting with specials teachers

12:45 PM—Kindergarten #1

1:00 PM—

1:15 PM—switch—Kindergarten #2

1:30 PM—

1:45 PM—1st Grade class (started at 1:40)

2:00 PM—

2:15 PM—

2:30 PM—2nd Grade class

2:45 PM—

3:00 PM—

3:15 PM—Pack up stuff, milk out of the fridge, gathered bags

3:30 PM—drive to CDC

3:45 PM—Pack up McCoy/ talk to teachers

4:00 PM—drive to CVS, pump while driving

4:15 PM—CVS for medication pick up

4:30 PM—

4:45 PM—Arby’s for a quick dinner… I know, sick!  Drive home

5:00 PM— finished picking up the house

5:15 PM—fed McCoy

5:30 PM—

5:45 PM—

6:00 PM—changed clothes and got ready for recital

6:15 PM—people arrived


6:45 PM—

7:00 PM—

7:15 PM—

7:30 PM—

7:45 PM—

8:00 PM—fed McCoy

8:15 PM—

8:30 PM—fed McCoy avocado!

8:45 PM—last people left

9:00 PM—cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, took leaf out of the table

9:15 PM—

9:30 PM—went to bed

9:45 PM—started watching tv (American Idol) but fell asleep

10:00 PM—

10:15 PM—

10:30 PM—

10:45 PM—

11:00 PM—


And McCoy slept through the night!  Bless his little heart!!!!!



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