
Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am thankful for:

1. a roof over my head
2. babbles and coos
3. a nice washing machine and dryer
4. a two car garage
5. a husband who is faithful to me and who loves me
6. a supportive family
7. a sense of humor
8. a lighthearted best friend
9. a dog who is smart
10. an awesome job
11. the gift of music
12. Mom's chocolate oatmeal cookies
13. baking knowledge
14. life insurance
15. good friends
16. piano students
17. food to eat
18. a beautiful baby boy
19. ice cream at night
20. a good book
21. time to read a good book
22. collegaues with good advice
23. family that lives nearby
24. troops overseas and at homeland
25. a nice neighborhood
26. entertainment
27. trees with leaves that turn gorgeous colors in fall
28. Thanksgiving parades
29. fresh notebooks
30. the sounds of bells
31. the ability to read and write
32. the internet and it's many wonderful highways of information
33. Christmas letters and pictures of friends
34. fireplaces
35. the little things that bring my family closer (like dinner, taking a walk, watching football together, taking a ride, etc.)
36. life

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