
Friday, June 17, 2011

working out

Good Afternoon.  I just wanted to touch base with you and see how you are doing.  It's summertime.  It's too late to be "loosing weight for summer" because summer has already arrived.  However, I'm working my butt off lately on working out.  Well, I've been at it for one week.  But in this one week, I've burned over 1800 calories (according to my android phone app) and worked out 5 days (only skipped one day).  I started going to a Body Pump class at the gym on post, and have been running/walking 3 of those days.  I've been doing weight lifting for an hour, and running for about 35 minutes.  And guess what?

I have gained four pounds.


  1. Its a rough go at first. I always put on weight at the beginning of a tough workout routine. Make sure you are still watching calories, proteins, and carbs. Low carbs (focus on consuming mostly natural sugars) and high lean proteins (I stick to mainly chicken and turkey)will help your body begin to burn your stored fat instead of just what you are providing it daily. If you want to cut QUICK weight, stick to a very rigorous low/no carb and keep working out. I lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks. (but was miserable!) Keep up the hard work!

  2. Ah! That can be so discouraging! But keep at it. Your body will thank you eventually! :)

  3. Yeah, cutting processed sugars and refined carbohydrates can work wonders (even without exercise!). When you start working out it's easy to think "since I'm doing more work, I can eat more," which isn't the case. Choosing high-protein, high-fiber, and low sugar/carb/fat snacks and meals is your best bet. I'm so proud of you! Don't give up! You'll start seeing results, and then you'll be hooked!
