
Sunday, September 12, 2010


Mom time.

Please don't get me wrong.  I love being a mother.  I love being a mother to McCoy.  He is so sweet and so charming.  His little personality is starting to shine through and everyday he seems to learn more and is able to express himself better.  I love watching him explore the world around him and develop into such a little boy.

But I'm tired.  I'm tired because not only am I being a mother to McCoy, I'm also being a wife to Whit, a piano teacher to my students, a bell ringer with Rezound, and a music teacher to some 500 children.  When I get home, I'm exhausted.  I want to rest and relaxed.  But as nature calls, I can't.  I need to be at rehearsal.  I need to cook dinner.  I need to nurse my baby.  I need to teach piano.  I need to clean up the house.  

I love my life.  I don't want to change anything.  But I want to escape for only a day (or two!).  I know I could never do that for several reasons.  The first reason would be that it is unpractical.  McCoy is only 11 months old.  I can't leave my family.  The other reason is I have to continue with my obligations.  And the final reason is because even if I DID escape for a day or two, I wouldn't be able to relax.  I wouldn't be able to do what I wanted to do because I would worry all day and all night about my little baby boy.  

The thing is, even if I did come home and relax, the stuff would be waiting for me the next day and the next day and the next.  Then I would feel overwhelmed and behind and rushed. 

Thank you, dear reader for listening to me complain.  Again.

Time to get happy, Tenessa.   

1 comment:

  1. I love you. I can't wait to take you out for your birthday.
