
Monday, September 6, 2010

high expectations are not always what they seem

I've learned a few things in the last couple of months.  The high expectations that I have for others are not always what I think they should be.  For example: hanging out with someone. I think in my mind that this experience is going to be great.  That it is going to be wonderful.  That my friendship and relationship with this person is going to strengthen and become more fulfilling.  And when the time comes; that person fails to deliver the way I think it ought to be.  This means that my perception on many relationships are oftentimes wrong or don't happen the way I think it will.

So what does this mean for me?  How should I stop this crazy let down in my life?  I guess I should start by not having any preconceived notions about another person.  I should let that person develop the way they are going to develop, instead of predicting how it will turn out.  I guess I should also judge less.

It's just hard when you count on or believe really strongly for someone and then they let you down.  Oh well.  I guess that relationship was not as strong as I was hoping.

1 comment:

  1. Tenessa, I sooooo relate to what you're feeling here, and yes, sometimes it is a matter of letting go of expectations in order to allow people to be themselves. I just hope the relationship isn't abusive in some way - that's when it's time to evaluate whether or not it's worth the effort and worry you put into it.

    Man, I hope you're not talking about me! ;)
