I got a call from daycare this morning saying that he had thrown up and needed to go home. Thank goodness my mother is so helpful! I almost cried when I was teaching my class because I know how bad he must feel. I also felt bad for ruining my mom and her friends' day together. Friendship is very important. Mom did not complain at all-- she rushed to CDC to take care of him. She even brought McCoy to me on my lunch so I could still nurse him. That made me feel so much better- seeing him at lunchtime. I wanted to come home so badly! The last place I wanted to be was away from McCoy. When he feels terrible, I feel terrible. I can't explain it, but I'm sure every mother knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Me-Maw said he slept from 12:00-3:45. Must have needed that.
These winter months are starting to get to me. I want the sun to come out and clear up this nasty weather! The snow is beautiful but it can go away until next winter. Next winter I'll be able to go out sledding with McCoy-- this winter, he is just getting sick!
I gave McCoy Pedilyte for the first time tonight. It was weird seeing something else go into his body other than breastmilk. He only drank about 1/2 ounce though. I just don't want him getting dehydrated. When I took him to the doctor's this weekend, they said that he could use some of it to prevent that from happening. Maybe he's teething already. I can't believe it, but he probably is since that runs early in our families. Well, we will try and keep him happy! I guess that means I need to go and snuggle with him right now!
Poor little guy! Hope he gets better soon for his sake and yours!