Let's see. It's been some time since I updated. Not too terribly long, but long enough to list several things that have happen since. I can't tell you how many blogs I've started, only to push the little X at the top of the computer screen.... "no, I don't want to save" and "yes, I want to leave this page." It's all mumbo, jumbo. Nothing really special, nothing well-written. But if I keep that up, I'll never post again! So, here is it, an un-well-written blog post about life. An update on life.
Let's look ahead before going back. This summer! It's almost here. Although lately it feels like it's been summer for months. The weather jumped from 50's to 90's almost 100's!! This is the first summer in a while that I don't have a big thing planned. I'm super excited about this new-found freedom! Even though I have a few things on the calendar, it's not a 2-week course, like last year or going on bell tour like last year. This is what is set in stone on my calendar so far (get ready for a short list!). Let's see-- I'm going to Branson for Memorial Day (leaving May 27 and returning on June 4), Rezound concert on June 5, going to St. Louis for a conference (leaving on June 8 and returning on June 11). And then I volunteered to be a "techy" at my school, so in order to do that, I have to attend an "Academy" July 11-15 from 8:00-12:00. Done. (Plus I get paid for it! I'm so there!).
Okay, so that's the stuff I
have to do. Here is a partial list of the things that I want to do with McCoy and his little friends. Not all of them have a specific date, but here are a few. Powell Gardens (meeting the "real dinosaurs"), Chaulk and Walk at Crown Center, Water Gardens of Kansas City, Prairie Park, Kaleidescope, Wonderscope, Mahaffie Stagecoach Stop, Kansas City Zoo, Deana Rose Farmstead, Farmer's Markets, Red Barn Farm, and Rainforest Adventure Exhibit just to name some of the things I have planned. I also plan on going on nature walks, strollers strolls, swimming, swimming, swimming! And of course, I plan on cleaning my house good-- getting ready for sales (I'm doing consignment sales this year). Can't wait for summer to begin! (Oh yea, I'm also planning on really cleaning out my classroom. I need to oragnize my closets and book shelves. It's been long enough, and I can't find anything!)
Now that we've looked to the future, let's look upon the past.
We went to Branson a couple of weekends ago. And although it rained for a day and a half, we had a great time! Our cabin at Tresure Lake RV Resort was really nice. It had a covered porch and a deck on it, which we ate outside some. We went to Silver Dollar City (used our season passes!) and had a lovely time, just the three of us. I think we both agreed, it's a lot of fun with more people but it was nice to spend it with just our family. We rented a movie from Redbox, cooked in our cabin, went to the Hollywood Wax Museum (it was just okay), and shopped a bit. We went to Osceola Cheese Factory and spent $45.00 on CHEESE! (I know, right?) It was nice to be away from school for a day and I had a great time.
School has been pretty interesting lately. It is really remarkable to see the way that people act when they know they are leaving for the next year. I've found many teachers that have "checked out" early-- it's not May 27th yet, folks. I heard someone say, "Let's not count the days, let's make the days count." Oh that is just what everyone wants to hear, but it's so true. We aren't done yet. Even though I made all my programs done at the end of February, I'm still so busy! Calendar in one week shows Rezound practice on Monday, two piano lessons on Tuesday, Piano Recital on Wednesday, Dave Ramesy class followed by Choir and Band Concert on Thursday and Kindergarten Program during school on Friday. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. I will. I have to! :)
Rezound has been another hard area of my life right now. I've been asked if I will continue, and although I have lots of pros and cons about joining again, I'm left to really examine my life and schedule. It was a tough fall semester, because we had so many concerts right in a row, followed by the symphony. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but it was tough. This spring has been hard, not because of concerts, but because Whit has been out of town on most Monday rehearsal nights and won't be here for concerts (to watch McCoy). So, with the added stress that I will not be able to go on tour this year (I'll be in St. Louis for my school conference at the same time), I've got this feeling that my practicing and hard work isn't really worth it. I'm practicing for what? Two concerts? Big deal. I've got to remember not to think that way-- remember "Let's not count days, let's make days count". Yea, yea, yea. Who knows how I'll feel come August. I'm sure I'll be wanting more.
My mother has been the back bone of my family. I couldn't do anything without her. She looks after me and McCoy without a complaint and she does it out of love. Everyday, she is willing to be there for me and Macadoo. I have spent several nights with her (while Whit is gone) and she has watched McCoy countless hours while I have rehearsals, concerts, and lessons. Sometimes I wish that I didn't rely on her so much, and I tell myself that I'm not going to call on her to do something, but then it always ends up the same. I call her out of despair and she comes galloping to my rescue. Thanks, Mom! And then in my head I say to myself, "I've got to figure this out for myself." But I forgot my lunch.... Moooooommmmm? Can you get me something to eat? Mooooooooooommmmmmmmmm? Can I have some cookies? Moooooooooooommmmmmmmm? Can you watch McCoy? Mooooooommmmmmmmmm? I need something to drink..... I love you, Moooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Okay, so that's my little big update on life so far. Among other things, I got a new laptop at work (a MacBook Pro) and I'm supposed to get a new iPad 2 before summer (I won't hold my breath). I am requesting a Flip Camera for my classroom for next year (although it absoultly sucks concerning the battery on the sucker). I decided to do a Talent Show... o. m. g. That's another blog post in itself. I'm working on my budgets and debt snowball and moved my money to an ING account. Thinking about starting another blog about my money issues... I love money and numbers and budgets and stuff now. Thank you, Dave Ramesy. I love him-- not as much as McCoy and Whit, but almost as much a chocolate and Dr. Pepper.
I can't have a post without a picture. So...